Mother and daughter smiling

Empowering women to navigate life in Canada

Welcome to PIRS

Since 1975, the Pacific Immigrant Resources Society (PIRS) provides unique and essential programming for newcomer women and their young children. We are more than just an immigrant and refugee services agency. We are a supportive community dedicated to empowering women to rise out of isolation and build a vibrant and fulfilling life in Canada.

PIRS Educational Bursary

The PIRS Educational Bursary assists immigrant and refugee women in pursuing education or training to enhance their skills and employability. Many of the women we support face financial barriers that limit their educational opportunities.

Contribute to the PIRS Educational Bursary
To donate, select “Educational Bursary” from the drop-down menu on the right-hand side of this page. For exceptional support and name recognition, please contact us at

Pop Up Child Care Logo

Pop-Up Child Care provides on-demand, on-site, child care services by trained caregivers. This PIRS program provides immigrant and refugee women with child care training and employment and addresses the national childcare shortage.

Two women conversing

Get Support

One-on-One Support

girl boy playing

Adapt to Life in Canada

Kids Have Stress Too

Female early childhood educator with children

Get Training & Build Leadership

Pathways to Childcare Careers

See all programs

What We Do

We help immigrant and refugee women take charge of their lives

PIRS supports immigrant and refugee women and children to become active participants in Canadian society. We have programs that help women improve their English, gain knowledge and skills needed to thrive, and guide them to become leaders in our community.

Group of women sitting on a couch
Mom holding a child, smiling

“I appreciate you all in PIRS highly for your support, encouragement and assistance in all things! Today was my first day of my first job in BC, Canada! … I definitely recommend others to join at PIRS as it is a valuable and prestigious organisation and was strongly helpful for me! My PIRS certificates shine in my resume!”

– Childcare Leadership Group Program participant


We are a women-led non-profit working with the community to break barriers

PIRS is driven by a community of compassionate women of diverse views and backgrounds. Together, we bring new, innovative ways to respond to community needs.

Two women of diverse backgrounds laughing
Friends hugging

Let us support you as you build a vibrant and fulfilling life in Canada.