The Learning Fair is a multi-stakeholder space to hear from immigrant women and service providers about the difficulties immigrant women face in their settlement journeys towards economic participation and to highlight solutions and hope. Over 35 participants have engaged with our Learning Lab over the past 6 months, exploring, designing, and testing those solutions, but we can’t do it alone!
Please join the conversation here… by registering for our Learning Fair on July 28, 2020 from 1:30-4:00.
Learning Journeys teams are very excited to showcase the innovative work they have been doing, and to broaden the conversation to envision ways to move the projects forward. Each of the projects is co-led by immigrant women and settlement service providers, and responds to the challenges most often faced by immigrant women in their journeys towards their goal: meaningful, holistic and culturally responsive mentorship models; access to quality, affordable childcare in BC; and finding connection and safe spaces to share difficult personal challenges and issues.
Please see for more project details.