Upcoming Workshop: The Teaching Pyramid: Social Emotional Development, April 27


Social Emotional Development is foundational for learning and development in all children. Instructor Andrea James uses the evidence based model The Teaching Pyramid to support child care staff capacity in creating environments of excellence. This systematic model starts with a focus on relationship development and the creation of responsive quality early childhood environments. Staff then move on to learn a variety of concrete skills in the promotion and teaching of social skills.This includes development of friendships, anger management, problem solving skills etc. Finally, teachers learn what to do when children do engage in significant challenging behaviours. This includes how to bring a team together, the understanding of positive behaviour supports and connection with families. Andrea has trained people across the province in the use of the principle and practices of the Teaching Pyramid and has partnered with several child care programs in Burnaby who are working on full implementation of the Pyramid. The overall goal is to not only increase staff’s knowledge but to support the implementation of the strategies into each child care program.

To register, call 604.298.5888 or email children@pirs.bc.ca. You can also download the PIRS Workshop Registration Form.

1 thought on “Upcoming Workshop: The Teaching Pyramid: Social Emotional Development, April 27”

  1. Will you do this workshop again ? I would love to do it.
    For me, social and emotional development are crucial in early learning. It seems to be the base of all future learning. I would love to learn more tools on the subject and share it around me.

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