Our Partners

We value working collaboratively with a community of people and partners who have diverse perspectives and backgrounds. As a community-based agency, our programs operate out of the neighbourhoods where immigrant and refugee women live. This allows us to meet women where they are, serving those who are most marginalized. This operational model is made possible through the support of our generous community partners.
- Alliance for Gender Justice and Migration
- Alliance for Racialized, Im/migrant and Refugee Women
- Burnaby Early Childhood Development Table
- Burnaby Intercultural Planning Table
- Childcare Wage Grid Advisory Committee
- Family Initiatives CAPC Coalition
- Family Resources Program of BC
- Feminist Deliver Organizing Committee
- Marpole Shared Leadership Table
- Multi Agency Partnership
- PeaceGeeks Service Advisors Pathways Meeting
- South Vancouver Early Years table
- Vancouver Immigration Partnership
- Vancouver Literacy Tables
PIRS partnerships allow us to extend our mission and multiply our impact. We are grateful to our partners for facilitating our work, welcoming our participants, and creating networks and community connections for newcomer women.
In 2021-2022, partners provided $244,098 worth of in-kind contributions. On behalf of PIRS and the women we serve, we thank all of our partners and collaborators for their continuous financial and in-kind support.
- Backpack Buddies
- BC Council for Families
- Bonnie Bakery
- Burnaby Pacific Grace Church
- Cameray Child and Family Services
- Canadian Red Cross
- Columbia College
- Decoda Literacy Solutions
- First Book Canada
- Fresh Direct Produce
- Greater Vancouver Food Bank
- Health Together
- Holy Trinity Cathedral
- Journey Home Burnaby
- Kids Have Stress Too
- Institute for Sustainable Food Systems, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
- Muslim Food Bank
- New Westminster Food Bank
- Vancouver School Board
- Neighbourhood Houses
- Refood
- Second Harvest
- The Learning Partnership
- The Lunch Lady
- United Way
- Van Whole Produce
- Vancouver Soup Company
- White Spot
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