Women’s Leadership and Training


We believe that women are the heart of any community. They are natural leaders as caregivers, homemakers and household-managers, unpaid counselors, healers, event organizers and community developers. Yet their leadership skills and roles often remain unrecognized and under-appreciated.

As a result, migrant women in Canada encounter obstacles in achieving self-actualization and securing meaningful employment, leading to underemployment and overrepresentation in precarious, low-wage work.

Our Women’s Leadership and Development Programs recognize and support the natural leadership abilities of our participants and are designed to extend the learning of English language into the acquisition of personal growth, leadership and other transferable skills to thrive and succeed in Canada.

We currently have four programs in this area:

Two women sitting

Leadership Education And Development (LEAD)

Our LEAD program focuses on self-development, helping participants to build leadership skills, while creating connections and support networks, to become active participants and leaders in the community. 

Learn more about our LEAD program

Building Bridges

The Building Bridges program aims to support women in honing their presentation, communication, and collaboration skills, while enhancing digital and financial literacy for employment in Canada.

Learn more about our Building Bridges program

Woman helping another
Childcare Leadership Group photo with six women

Childcare Leadership Group (CLG)

The Childcare Leadership Group is a community of practice for women interested in leading positive change in the childcare system and advancing gender equality. The program offers training in systems-thinking, advocacy, and leadership. It is part of the Building a Childcare System that Works for Immigrant and Refugee Women project.

Learn more about our Childcare Leadership Group

Immigrant Women’s Advisory Committee

The Immigrant Women’s Advisory Committee (IWAC) is a diverse group of women who work together to create system changes and advocate for the inclusion of immigrant women’s perspectives and voices in systems and policies that impact their lives. We take small but meaningful actions that help close service gaps and break down barriers for immigrant and refugee women to thrive in Canada.

Read our project report: Breaking Barriers Immigrant Women’s Voices in the Canadian Workplace

Consider joining IWAC: Immigrant Women’s Advisory Committee

IWAC group - Diverse group of women smiling
Female early childhood educator with children

Pathways to Childcare Careers

Pathways to Childcare Careers provide occupational English training and paid practicum experience for newcomer women interested in starting a career in the early learning and childcare field.

Learn more about our Pathways to Childcare Careers

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Women and children served

Since 1975, PIRS served 17,716 women and 9,116 children and counting.

Newcomer Support

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Women trained

84 women completed training programs in 2023 to become more effective leaders in their communities.

Women Leadership & Training

Icon of food basket


Food hampers distributed

448 people continue to be served weekly through the emergency Food Hub.

Social Innovation & System Change

Holding hands

We need donors like you to help newcomer women and their children thrive in Canada.

Red heart painted on many hands